Arts Caravan
Arts Caravan
Final Thursday
Variety Show
"KID Edition 2"
'A monthly dose of circus, to cure what ails ya'
May 31st
6:30-8:30 pm
Syntax Physic Opera
554 S Broadway
Come on down for some early evening entertainment of the circus variety. Whether it's a hula hooper, magician, or fire eater. A blockhead, acrobat or a sultry singer our remedies are sure to delight the senses and put a smile on your face.
Watch your knees as we once again open our doors to those closer to the floor. All sized folks are certainly in for a treat as we welcome the multi talented magic, juggling, and balancing tricks of Andy Pratt. Get exited for balloon creations ala the lovely Quill, prepare for the intoxicating rhythms of the vivacious Cybele de Blondloch (Melinda Cary,) and try not to get caught in the heat of Ms. Pyro Pixie. We have a special treat with offerings from players who are children them selves! The fluttering piano of Ms. Cordelia, ripping guitar of the mighty Phoenix!
*CAUTION event may contain custom balloon creation,
scarf juggling, ribbon dancing, coloring opportunities, and abundant laughter!!
Costume Always Encouraged!!
Invite your friends!
Arts Caravan presents unique professionals to your community to enliven and inspire through the visual, circus, and performance arts.
Learn, laugh, grow, and join in the show.