Arts Caravan

Unicorn Love Party: Dark Side of the Rainbow
Friday February 15th
8pm -2am
Join Zia Pixie, Diana Sabreen and Natalie Franciose of Arts Caravan as we team up with the Fucking Unicorns for their annual Love Party!
Get whisked away from dark side, to the magical land of Oz. Follow the rainbow brick road to the Emerald City, where wizards of wicked beats will spin your world upside down. Just as the groundbreaking, 1930’s film transformed to color when Dorothy landed in Oz, we too will embark on a metamorphosis from achromatic tones, to a technicolor rainbow. We challenge you to come dressed in shades of black and white, with colorful costumes hidden beneath. Enter a dust-bowl dance party and at the stroke of 11, a tornado will blow your clothes off, revealing your under-garments ala Judy Garland. Consider it the largest, mass pants-off, dance-off in history. So polish off your ruby slippers and get ready for a whirl-wind of music, visuals, and flying monkeys. Just pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.